Top 5 Hair Questions

Have a hair challenge? We’ve gathered the top 5 hair questions we hear on the design floor, and share our advice and expertise.

1. How can I make my color treated hair healthier?

Color treated hair requires tender loving care. To minimize damage and breakage from chemical processes you should be sure to use a protein-based conditioner or treatment spray, and make sure you protect it from further heat damage. Reduce your styling time to just several days per week, go natural when you can, and opt for highlights or a lower-maintenance color process that can be touched up every eight weeks, rather than more frequently.

2. How Can I Grow Long Hair?

Whether you’re growing out a pixie cut or just want extra length, growing out your hair style is a waiting game. You can try to adjust your diet, eat healthy omega-3s. You can also try supplements such as Biotin, and drink lots of water. We recommend and proudly offer some of the best hair extensions in the Dallas area. Contact us today and forget the wait. There’s no magic pill!

3. How Can I Keep Red Hair from Fading?

Red hair is notorious for being fesity. It’s fast to fire up and quick to fade, as well. Your stylist can usually prepare a color enchacing shampoo that extdends the vibrancy of your color at-home. In addition, rinse only in cool water, and reduce shampooing to three times per week.

4. How Can I fix Split Ends?

Once ends are split, thee’s no way to repair them. If you want to keep your length you still need a “dusting.” Ask your stylist to lightly snip the ends to remove without touching the interior of your cut.

5. How Do I Get Beachy Waves?

Beachy waves are not so “natural” after all. Unless you have perfect Mermaid tresses, you’ll have to fake it like the rest of us. We recommend using a volumizing mousse at the roots. Then blowdry hair upsdie down for extra lift. Once dry, use a curling iron and section hair into 2-inch partings. Wrap iron in vertical placement and alternate curls that direct to the face and away from the face to look less intentional. Voila!